
The funds and humanitarian responses made available to combat over forty military clashes and their consequences confronting various nations of the world today are undoubtedly insufficient. With about 25% of these clashes categorized as war, there is a regular increase in the number of deaths and people who get misplaced from their homes as a result of these clashes.

A countless number of people all over the world are affected in one way or the other by these clashes and even nations have had their existences threatened by these actions. Communities and homes have been rendered inhabitable and insecure; economies and industries impotent and crowds of people constantly forced to move for security reasons. A lot of people have been inflicted with suffering, violence, harm and even death while some have been rendered vulnerable and forced to flee their homes as a result of these conflicts. An even less fortunate category of people have been forced to kill themselves or watch their loved ones get killed.

Even when these wars and conflicts come to an end, people still suffer from certain conditions as consequences of these events. Some suffer psychological imbalance, others anxiety, and a good number of others post-traumatic stress disorder (which was first used in the late 90s to describe the emotional scars wars left of soldiers) resulting from the impact of the trauma they experienced during these conflicts.

During these conflicts, no attention is paid to human rights because everybody gets all about survival. Children and young adults are usually at the receiving end of this neglect as their rights to safety and support for potential development are grossly neglected and in most cases, abused. Parents and guardians show no concern for their young and schools as well as institutions suffer physical damage or siege by warring parties.

Those directly affected by conflicts and war require adequate support. A promising number of international and local organizations have been about the business of providing this support to them but the much they do makes up only a fraction of what needs to be done for these victims. Efforts can be made by everyone to assist these victims and make life better for them. Even if it would be impossible to restore all they have lost (including loved ones) to them, any fund raised can be used to provide shelter and buy relief items such as food, clothes and medication for them. As little as $500 can provide a moderately furnished shelter for at least one family out of these refugees.